Most Important Thing to Do to Improve Your Website SEO

Most Important Thing to Do to Improve Your Website SEO

The most important thing you must know and do to improve SEO! Gone are the days when you could keyword stuff a website, or create massive amounts of backlinks, and doing so would improve your website rankings (often substantially). These tactics, along with other scammy tricks, are called black hat SEO, or aggressive SEO strategies […]

Google Extended Meta Description Length in December 2017

Google Extended Meta Description Length in December 2017

Writing a useful, rich, relevant Google meta description is an important task for SEO. Your web page’s meta description is the piece of text that shows up in search engine results and describes the page. Google has just switched up the game by extending the recommended meta description length. Extending the length has some key […]

Entrepreneur for the Ages: What Does It Take?

Entrepreneur for the Ages: What Does It Take?

From an event held in the Untamed Woman group where I talk about my journey as an entrepreneur and how I’ve kept this thing going for 12+ years. You’ll hear a little bit of history, where my business has taken me, the struggles and triumphs, and lots of truth about entrepreneurship, including the 3 things […]